Your Real Weight

❌One thing I think that we do that is extremely unnecessary is choosing one number as our weight. ❌

Often, when we do this, we choose a ‘low weigh in’ because that makes us feel good.

But there is danger in this thinking.

And I mean, emotional danger.

If you are claiming a weight because it makes you ‘happy’ it means that you probably also have a weight that will make you ‘unhappy’.

When we get our mind set on only one weight, any fluctuation from that can make us feel unhappy. Which is NOT the goal.

And if we choose to hang on to our low weight, the fluctuations are mostly going to be higher 📈- so, you’re setting yourself up for feeling unhappy when your body does what it will naturally do day to day.

⚡️Instead of holding onto one weight, view your weight as a range.⚡️

Look at the fluctuations your body normally makes and stick right in there.

For me, right now, my weight is 129-132.

So yesterday when I weight 131.7 and today when I weighed 130.6, I was not upset that it wasn’t 129.

With this concept and using a range, I understand that my body makes changes daily and I can go about being happy regardless of them! 🤗

An additional note: in your late Luteal phase - make a wider range as our bodies change even more then!

Let’s start a discussion in the comments, what are your thoughts?

coach k

P.S. - Whole Human has been planning some incredibly helpful and practical FREE resources and tools for you! We will be hosting multiple FREE masterclasses and events in our community Facebook group - hop in there now and bring a friend, because it is about to be POPPIN' with fun and free strategies and tips that will help you reach your health and fitness goals. 💪

Coach K

Coach K helps busy, social people lose weight, get strong and gain energy.

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